Monday, September 3, 2007

Gearing up

September 3rd, 2007

It's come to my attention that instead of mass e-mails, i should just break down and use this phenomenon called a weblog. If you're like me, you've seen a total of two "blogs" ever and are just tired of hearing the stupid buzzword. Alas, it does seem sensible to keep everyone up to date on my travels this way, so join me on a journey into trendy internet blogging, and hopefully you can share a piece of my adventures with me!

Having never set foot out of North America, planning this whole trip, which will tentatively last until sometime in December, is a bit daunting. Making sure I have the perfect gear, medical supplies and vaccinations, certifications, contacts, reservations, and mindset has been fun but exhausting at times. Flights have been the biggest challenge thus far. I've totally taken for granted the fact that flights in the US are easily searched with just a handful of websites. When trying to catch a flight from Bangkok to, say, Mumbai India, not only am I searching tens of sites but I also have to wait on slow and underdeveloped web pages, translate them, and find the correct exchange rates. Good thing I'm not in class or work :).

Thus far, my itinerary is very unset. I fly out of DIA at 8:35pm, Sept 12th on United flight 423 to arrive in San Francisco at 10pm and set off to Taipei, Taiwan at 1:35am on the 13th. I land at 5:30am on the 14th! From there I'll hop over to Bangkok just in time for lunch, 12:20pm on the 14th (local time, which is 13 hours ahead of MST). I have 4 nights in a pretty nice hotel downtown. After that it's still undecided, but things are progressing nicely. The next scheduled stop is in early October in the southern tail of Thailand for some R&R on the beach with Rachael followed by a 3 day liveaboard scuba adventure! 3 dives a day, exploring the beautiful islands on the west coast.

1st day: approx. 09:30 depart from Tab Lamu
12:30 checkdive at Koh Tachai (south coast)
16:00 2nd dive at Koh Tachai Plateau
19:30 nightdive
2nd day: 08:00 1st dive at Richelieu Rock
11:00 2nd dive at Richelieu Rock
15:00 3rd dive at Richelieu Rock
19:30 nightdive
3rd day: 08:00 1st dive at Koh Bon Pinnacle
11:00 2nd dive at Koh Bon West Ridge
14:00 3rd dive at Koh Bon Coral Garden
approx 15:00 depart from Similan with arrival at Tab Lamu approx. 18:00

In the words of someone I respect very much:

"Don't spend time bein' worried, get your ass excited"


Sometimes I feel a song can represent more than my words can say. I'll try to leave you all with a song at the end of my posts that has significance to me at that particular point in time, for one reason or another. Today's a "Weezer - Island in the Sun" kinda day I think ;)

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