Thursday, September 27, 2007

South Korea

September 28th 2007

I'm really glad I came up here to Korea. This place is great. After all the chaotic hustle in Bangkok, Seoul is a surprising change. The city is still very crowded, but the people are completely different. Everyone is so polite, there is hardly any crime, and there are far less tourists.

The food here is not really my style - everything is pickled; they don't know what sugar is; everything is some derivative of rice; and the meat needs some help. I've actually come to enjoy their seafood more than anything else, but I haven't been adventurous enough to try some of their more interesting seafood such as live squid.

It's so nice having a tour guide. Eve has been great about showing me around to all the hotspots in Seoul and all the scenery. Hikes, palaces, nightlife, shopping, food, tea - there's so much to do here. We both got a cold the first weekend I got here and we're both still sick, which a has been kind of a drag, but it calls for some well needed downtime which has been very relaxing at Eve's place. I hasn't kept us down completely though. Wednesday we got up early and rode their extensive subway system across town to meet a friend for some intense badminton and awesome hiking. Earlier in the week we took a trip over to Deokjeokdo - an island off the mainland - for a night. The island was almost empty because of the holiday (Cheusok) except for other english teachers. We had an awesome time, you should check the pictures. So much more to talk about, but I think I babble too much.

Back to Bangkok for a night on the 2nd, then Koh Samui the 3rd and Koh Pha-ngan on the 6th till about the 16th - just in time to head over to Phuket for some diving!

I miss home a little, but I'm having so much fun. =D

Jurassic 5 - Freedom
Counting Crows - Holiday in Spain

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, I expect to see the bandana of doom in every picture from now on. period. :)