Monday, September 10, 2007

Here we go!!

September 10th, 2007

It's happening. It really is.

This is finally starting to hit me. As much as I thought I could psyche myself up for this trip, I'm realizing all the preparation in the world only goes so far and there's a point where you just have to jump. The funny part is, I've not spent all that much time packing, instead I spend a lot of time thinking of what to pack. Everyone's got a different opinion about travel preparation and even where and how to travel. I love it, and everyone's advice has bee really helpful. Everything seems to be moving along nicely.

So, I scheduled a trip to Seoul, South Korea from Sept 22nd to Oct 2nd! This means I'll have about a week to spend in the Bangkok area before heading up there to see Eve, who's teaching English to little Korean munchkins for a year. Eve has a few extra days off that week thanks to Chuseok, the harvest festival. I'm really excited.

I'm really going to miss everyone, I can already tell. E-mails please! I'd love to hear all about what's going on -

That's all for now!

Chevelle - I Get It

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First Post! Ganna miss you man, GET EXCITED. See you next year!